The Humanic Complex
Do Complexo humânico :há Deuses que pensam ser homens
e homens que pensam ser deuses
se calhar até são
I dont believe in ME
Slå två GODS i en smäll
They stopped and stared.
Only the edge of one GOD were exposed at the surface.
Immediately they recognized the characteristic shape of GOD
A predatory GOD
Everyone was wondering how much of the GOD lay
beneath the surface.
With each passing day, the people found more GODS.
Unlike those remains of the first false true GOD, the false evil GODS were scattered around the globe and were located within inches of the real GOD.
The people soon realized they had found GOD from all parts of the cosmos,
included in a small burning bush (Georges spp.)
It was the most important find of the religious season — a new Concentrated GOD
GODS are bipedal (two-legged), carnivorous (men-eating and small lambs)
The long hind limbs indicate that GOD was a
particularly fast predator.
Large GOOD GODS were found close to the real GOD site, and it is very likely that GOD preyed upon the large and fat Gods.
Young Gods Are Fast and Hungry
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